Oct 28, 2010

Off On Tour!

Yes, I am off on tour and I thank God for that! I am still having some discomfort because of the incision  and the infection but I can deal with that as I go. I fly to Minneapolis at noon tomorrow. Vicky, my dear roommate from college during my senior year, the one that flew down and cared for me after my mastectomy, will meet me at the airport. It is cold there and she says she has the blankets ready in their guest room and lots of hot teas to drink. I am packed and ready to go!

Oct 21, 2010

A Great Day Today!

Yes, a very great day!

Why was it a great day: because I saw my Oncologist and I am doing very well. I will not be on any medicationl as I have no cancer in my body! I am grateful to my Lord for all He has done!
I am also thankful for you: you prayed and I am well again! 
One thing I did find out was that I have osteoporosis  which was determined by a bone density test that she had ordered early. I will be on something for this daily.
Here is how it stands at the moment: I will see my Oncologist in November after I get back from my speaking tour for The Alliance. Then probably see her in February, and after that, not for two years! 
Until next week, goodbye.  

Oct 14, 2010

I am late in writing this.

I am a day late as I did not get it done last night. My dear Jetty reminded me of that in an email this morning. She is also the one that told me my wound was infected. We had Skyped and she saw that it did not look right after I complained of more pain. It is nice that she is a surgical nurse and helps me all the way from Africa! I do have great news: the incision is now only slightly infected and I was at the physicians office again yesterday and they tell me this is the last time I have to be there until July, just before I fly back to Africa! Next week I see the Oncologist, hopefully  for one last time also. Next week I will try to write on Thursday after having seen the specialist.Thank you again for your continued love and prayers, Peggy Drake

Oct 6, 2010

It is a cool Wednesday night in Metro Atlanta.

I said that I would update this blog site every week so here is what has happened since last Wednesday night: 
I had a set back in my recovery as I have cellulitis in my wound. I have seen the surgeon and she has put me on an antibiotic for the infection. I am doing much better now but it is still painful from time to time. Thanks be to God for His care and protection. God has reminded me that my times of rest these days are from Him. I am grateful for Exodus 33:14 where the Lord says, '' My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.'' I usually think of that when I am traveling and busy but it is for me when I am still and ''sidelined'' for awhile as I am now. Praise His name! Peggy